
Codetru partnered with a client in the emergency medical services industry to develop a comprehensive mobile application for Android and iOS platforms. The goal was to create a user-friendly application that enables users to register, provide their medical details, create medical policies, book teleconsultation appointments, and facilitate efficient communication between users and doctors. This case study highlights the successful completion of Phase 1 and outlines the key objectives, challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the resulting impact. 


Problem Statement

The client sought to provide seamless access to emergency medical services and teleconsultations through a mobile application. They needed a solution that would streamline the user registration process, integrate with a third-party insurance provider to generate medical policies, enable appointment booking, and allow doctors to manage their appointments effectively. Additionally, the client wanted the application to support video conferencing capabilities and provide multilingual support in regional Indian languages.



Complex Integration

Integrating the application with the third-party insurance provider's system to generate medical policies presented technical complexities and required extensive coordination.

Seamless Communication

Ensuring smooth and reliable communication between users and doctors, including video conferencing functionality, demanded robust integration with a communication platform.

Multilingual Support

Incorporating support for regional Indian languages like Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada posed a challenge in terms of localization and ensuring a consistent user experience across different language options.



Registration and Medical Details

Implemented a user-friendly registration process where users could provide their medical details securely within the application.

Insurance Integration

Developed a seamless integration with a third-party insurance provider to automate the creation of medical policies based on user-provided information.

Teleconsultation Booking

Enabled users to select convenient time slots for teleconsultation appointments, improving accessibility and convenience for both users and doctors.

Doctor Module

Created a separate module within the application for doctors, allowing them to log in, view their appointments, and manage their schedules efficiently.

Video Conferencing and Twilio Integration

Integrated Twilio's communication platform to provide reliable video conferencing capabilities, facilitating smooth teleconsultations and enhancing doctor-patient interactions.

Multilingual Support

Implemented language localization to accommodate regional Indian languages, ensuring that users could access the application in their preferred language.



1. Phase 1 successfully delivered a fully functional mobile application for emergency medical services, meeting all key objectives and requirements.

2. The application enabled seamless user registration, streamlined medical policy creation through insurance integration, and simplified teleconsultation appointment booking.

3. Doctors benefited from a dedicated module that allowed them to efficiently manage their appointments and schedules.

4. The integration of Twilio's communication platform provided reliable and secure video conferencing capabilities within the application.

5. The inclusion of multilingual support in Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada enhanced accessibility for a wider user base.


User Adoption

The mobile application witnessed a significant increase in user adoption, with a 43% growth in registered users within the first three months.

Improved Efficiency

The streamlined registration process and insurance integration reduced manual effort and saved time for both users and administrators, resulting in a 27% decrease in policy creation time.

Enhanced Accessibility

The availability of the application in regional Indian languages increased accessibility and improved user engagement, leading to a 31% increase in user satisfaction scores.

Expanded Reach

The addition of video conferencing capabilities enabled remote consultations, resulting in a 49% increase in teleconsultation appointments booked by users.

These results demonstrate the successful implementation of the emergency medical services mobile application, showcasing the positive impact on user adoption, efficiency, accessibility, and reach within the healthcare sector. Codetru's expertise in mobile application development and integration provided a comprehensive solution that addressed the client's requirements and delivered tangible benefits.