What we do

Dive Deeper with Tailored Non-Functional Testing Expertise

In today's digital landscape, software functionality is only half the story. To truly succeed, your applications need to excel in areas beyond core features. That's where non-functional testing services come in. At Codetru, we leverage our expertise to meticulously scrutinize the non-functional aspects of your software, ensuring it delivers an exceptional user experience, performs flawlessly under pressure, and remains secure against any threat.


Load Testing

Mirror real-world user loads with load testing. We identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your software for smooth operation under typical usage.


Stress Testing

Go beyond expected user loads - stress testing simulates extreme scenarios. We ensure your software remains stable and secure even under peak demands, preventing downtime and frustrating user experiences.


Performance Testing

We analyze your software's speed, responsiveness, and resource utilization, pinpointing bottlenecks and optimizing performance for a superior user experience.


Security Testing

We meticulously uncover vulnerabilities and potential security risks, safeguarding your software and valuable data against malicious attacks.


Usability Testing

We involve real users to evaluate your software's intuitiveness, ease of use, and overall user experience, ensuring it caters to your target audience's needs perfectly.


Accessibility Testing

We assess your software's compliance with accessibility standards, ensuring everyone can access and use it seamlessly, regardless of ability.


Compliance Testing

We verify your software adheres to relevant industry regulations and standards, minimizing legal and compliance risks.


Scalability Testing

We meticulously evaluate your software's ability to adapt and grow seamlessly as your user base and demands increase, ensuring smooth scaling as your business thrives.


Compatibility Testing

We verify flawless interaction and functionality across diverse devices, operating systems, and browsers, guaranteeing a consistent and positive experience for all users.


Performance Tuning

We leverage our optimization expertise to fine-tune your software's performance, maximizing speed, responsiveness, and resource efficiency for an exceptionally smooth experience.

Our Approach

Our Approach to Non-Functional Testing Services

Forget just ticking boxes - unlock your software's true potential with our tailored non-functional testing approach. We go beyond basic features, ensuring your application delivers:

1. Collaborative Spirit

We don't operate in silos. Our experts work closely with you, understanding your specific goals, target audience, and unique requirements. This ensures a testing strategy perfectly aligned with your vision, maximizing impact.

2. Data-Driven Insights

We leverage industry best practices and cutting-edge tools to gather comprehensive data throughout the testing process. This data fuels our scalability testing, performance tuning, security testing, and more, allowing us to prioritize critical areas and optimize test cases for the most effective results.

3. Future-Proof Solutions

We believe in continuous improvement. We actively seek industry advancements and refine our methodologies to offer the most up-to-date solutions. This ensures your software is resilient and adaptable to evolving needs and platforms, future-proofing your investment.

4. Transparency & Communication

We understand the value of trust. We provide regular progress reports, detailed insights, and clear communication throughout the process. This open collaboration fosters mutual understanding and empowers informed decision-making.

5. Retesting

Retest any identified defects or issues to ensure they have been successfully addressed and resolved, delivering optimal software performance and functionality.

Why Codetru

Why Choose Us for Non-Functional Testing?

At Codetru, we're passionate about enabling companies to build best-in-class digital products by providing dedicated services focusing on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.


1. Experience Meets Innovation

Our seasoned experts have tested countless pieces of software across diverse industries. This deep understanding allows us to tailor our non-functional testing services to your unique needs, delivering solutions that exceed expectations.


2. Data-Driven Decisions

We believe in data-powered insights. We leverage cutting-edge tools to gather comprehensive data throughout the testing process, empowering us to: Prioritize critical areas, Optimize test cases, Measure effectiveness


3. User-Centric Design

We go beyond functionality. We prioritize user-centric testing, ensuring your software is intuitive, user-friendly, and delivers a delightful experience for your target audience. Real-world user scenarios and feedback guide our process, guaranteeing your software caters to their needs and expectations.


4. Collaborative Partnership

We value teamwork. Our experts collaborate closely with you throughout the process, fostering open communication and ensuring our strategy aligns perfectly with your vision and priorities. This collaborative approach facilitates smooth integration with your development team, leading to efficient, effective testing and optimal results.


5. Continuous Improvement

We're committed to progress. We actively seek industry advancements and refine our methodologies to offer the most effective and up-to-date solutions. We encourage open communication and feedback, allowing us to continuously improve our approach based on your specific needs and project requirements.


6. Transparent Communication

We believe in trust and transparency. We provide regular progress reports, detailed insights, and clear communication throughout the entire process. This open communication ensures you have full visibility into the testing activities and their impact on your software's quality, allowing for informed decision-making and a collaborative experience.

Our Clients

We Work with Clients Across Industries

We enable our clients to improve software quality by providing innovative functional and non-functional testing services with the help of 360-degree assistance.

Our Expertise

We utilize the top tools and technologies to offer the best-in-class service

We stay up-to-date with industry trends, best DevOps tools and best practices to go above and beyond your expectations while delivering DevOps services.
